Sanitation and Hygiene
- We support communities, schools, and health facilities with
access to safe drinking water supplies. This is achieved through drilling of
new boreholes using both manual and mechanical methods and rehabilitating
non-functional ones. We install hand pumps and solar powered systems in schools,
health facilities and communities.
- We help schools improve sanitation through constructing pit
latrines and flushable ablution blocks.
- We support communities to construct household latrines using
locally available building materials.
- We train local volunteers to spearhead door to door hygiene
interventions, collection of water samples for testing and water pump basic
- We promote hygiene in schools and communities using PHAST and
CLTS methodologies.
- We mobilise communities and their leaders for development and sustaining the WASH infrastructure in schools, health facilities and communities.
- ·We train local enterprises in manual drilling, faecal sludge
(pit emptying) and latrine construction.
- We provide capacity to local structures to engage service
providers and duty bearers in the WASH sector.
- ·We Engage the media to highlight the plight of the
communities and making the voices of the people be heard.
- ·We train communities and schools on menstrual hygiene, disability,
and safeguarding issues.
- Collaboration.
- Data
- We have adaptive management systems.
- We mobilise and train women smallholder farmers in crop and
livestock farming.
- We support women farmer groups with farming and livestock
- ·We support households to produce nutritional food in kitchen
gardens and improve energy efficiency (Energy saving stoves).
- We support environmental management through tree planting and
training of school children.
and Nutrition
- We support volunteers to follow up and monitor households
with children on the feeding program to ensure adherence.
- ·We promote the decentralisation of child growth monitoring in
our target areas.
- We support health facilities with neo-natal and maternal
health equipment.
- We support health facilities to respond to under nutrition in
children under the age of 5 and women with feeding supplements.
- We train and equip volunteers with materials to support
growth monitoring points.
- We train women in food preparation meeting dietary
Risk Reduction and Management
- We support
communities to mitigate, respond and recover from disaster.
- ·We support health facilities, schools, and other public
places with covid and other outbreaks response materials.
- We support communities with emergency relief supplies such as
food, WASH facilities and seeds for recovery.